Biology ______Class 9th Chapter 01 ________ Short Questions


Class 9th Biology

Short Questions

Chapter No: 1

Introduction to Biology

Q1. How the understanding of Physics can help Biologists?

Ans: The understanding of principles and laws of physics can help to solve the various biological problems, e.g. photosynthesis and absorption of cell sap by roots, etc.

Q2. Which career would you like to adopt after studying biology and why?

Ans: After studying biology, I would adopt farming of serial, because to fulfill the needs of food for the increasing population of today.

Q3. Write a translation of any verses of the Holy Quran related to the creation of mankind.

Ans:     a). Who made all things good which He created and He begin to the creation of man from clay.

            b). Verily, We created man from the product of wet earth.

            c). He created a man of clay like the potter.

Q4. Name a few Muslim scientists and their contributions to the field of biology and medicine.

Ans: a). Ibn ul Haithum:

            He lived in 1965-1039 A.D. He was one of the outstanding biologists of Muslim scientists. Basically, he was an ophthalmologist. His famous book “Kitab ul Manazir” and “Meizan ul Hikma” were translated into Latin, Hebrew, and other western languages. He described the structure, function, and diseases of the human eye in his book in detail.

            b). Ali Bin Isa:

He was a well-known eye specialist. He worked on structure, function, and diseases of the eye. He described 130 diseases of the eye in his book.

            c). Abdul Qaim Ali Zahravi:

            This great Muslim scientist and surgeon was born in 936 and died in 1004 A.D. he was famous for the removal of stone from the urinary bladder.

Q5. What level of organization is represented by Volvox?

Ans: Volvox represented the colonial organization at the level of organization.