Class 9th Biology_____ Chapter No: 2 _____ Solving Biological Problems

 Class 9th Biology

Short Questions

Chapter No: 2

Solving Biological Problems

Q1. What is science? How does it work?

Ans: Science is the study of knowledge based on observations and experiments. Scientific work is done by a specific method called the “scientific method”. It includes the following steps:

i.                 Scientific problem

ii.               Observation and collection of data

iii.              Hypothesis

iv.              Experiments

v.                Conclusion

vi.              Law or Principle

Q2. The Control group is important for scientific study. How?

   Ans: Control group is a group that remains constant throughout the experiment of a hypothesis. It is very important for scientists, to find out the more accurate results of the experimental group, which is comparable with the control group.

Q3. What deductions are developed during the study of malaria?

Ans:  The following deductions were developed during the study of malaria:

i.                 If plasmodium is the cause of malaria, then all the patients must have the plasmodium in their blood.

ii.               If mosquitoes are involved in the spreading of malaria, the plasmodium must be present in the stomach of mosquitoes.

Q4. How did Ronald Ross conduct the experiment to prove that mosquitoes are involved in the spread of malaria?

Ans: Ronald Ross conducted an experiment on the female Culex mosquito. He allowed this mosquito to bite the sparrow suffering from malaria, and then allowed it to bite the healthy sparrow. As a result, the healthy sparrow got malaria, and plasmodium was found in the sparrow’s blood. So, he proved that these mosquitoes cause malaria in sparrows.

Q5. At what step of the biological method hypothesis is accepted or rejected?

Ans: At the step of “experiment” in the biological method the hypothesis is accepted or rejected.