Class 9th Biology ........ Chapter No: 4 ......... Cell and Tissues


Class 9th Biology

Short Questions

Chapter No: 4

Cell and Tissues

Q1. Who proposed cell theory and what are the main points of it?

Ans: In late 1830 a Botanist Matthias Schleiden and Zoologist Theodor Schwann proposed cell theory.

Main points of cell theory:

i.                 All organisms are made of cells.

ii.               Cell is the structural and functional unit of all living organisms.

iii.              New cells are arise from pre-existing cells by cell division.

Q2. Differentiate between simple and compound tissues.

Ans: Simple tissues:

            Those tissues which are composed of one type of cell are called simple tissues. eg. Ground tissues, epidermal tissues, and supporting tissues

         Compound Tissues:

            Those tissues which are composed of more than one type of cells are called compound tissues. eg.   Xylem and phloem tissues

Q3. How does cell membrane help in maintaining equilibrium while exchanging material with the environment?

Ans: Each cell is surrounded by the cell membrane, which is a selectively permeable membrane. The cell takes necessary materials from surrounding and removes unwanted substances to the surrounding.

Q4. Differentiate between Endocytosis and Exocytosis.

Ans: Endocytosis:       

The process in which the plasma membrane folded inward around some material and form a packet like structure that deepens gradually and form a vesicle, separate eventually and migrate into the cytoplasm is called Endocytosis

Endocytosis may be;

a- Phagocytosis: in which the cells take in solid materials.

b- Pinocytosis: in which the cell takes in liquid materials.



The process in which the material is packed in vesicles comes near the plasma membrane, fuses with it, releases the material to the outside, and the vesicle membrane is incorporated into the plasma membrane is called Exocytosis.   


Q5. How does the turger pressure develop in a plant cell?

Ans: When a cell absorbs water from the surrounding by osmosis, its vacuoles become filled, increase in size, and push the cell contents against the cell wall. Thus a pressure developed is called turger pressure.